They will help you select the best cigar taking into account your preference on food and drink, whether you are a beginner or not, time and cost you would like to spend at the bar that day.
The same as sommelier for wines, in cigar bars there is “Cigar Manager” who selects the best cigars for you.
Cigar Manager (CMG) is a license granted by “Japan Cuba Cigar Education Association”, an official association authorized by the Cuban government.
They have “knowledge” on culture and history of cigars, trend in Cuba, smoking and health issues and “experiences” relating to the way of enjoying cigars, pairing with drinks, storage, services and techniques.
The master visited Cuba several times looking for the best cigars and is a professional who can identify cigars by tasting. Enjoy cigars that had been taken good care to mature, together with exquisite drinks at the cigar bar Super Nova.