Cigar Bar Super nova in Kitashinchi, Osaka. Have a luxury time with well-matured cigars with Cuban rum and cocktails at the 1st prize winner bar.

Legend of Cuban Rum

Legend of Cuban Rum

[Country of Origin] Cuba [Classification] Sweet [Alc] 45% [Volume] 700ml

On the label it says “Pre-1962” but actually it is rare rum made in Cuba that had been distilled in 1940-1950, before the Revolution.

It is special rum transferred packed in barrel to the prestigious company Valdespino in Spain and aged by solera system until just before the bottling.

The owner Miguel Valdespino once said he would never release them since it was his special treasure and served only for those who visited the site. But the owner changed and finally released in the market.

The flavor is quite mellow with simple aftertaste. Enjoy not only the taste but also the history.

* The item is sold limited to once a year since the production is finished.

* Old bottles of rum and whiskeys may be out of stock depending on seasons.
