Cigar Bar Super nova in Kitashinchi, Osaka. Have a luxury time with well-matured cigars with Cuban rum and cocktails at the 1st prize winner bar.

Cohiba Siglo VI

Cohiba Siglo VI

Siglo I to V cigars were released for 500 years anniversary of the Cuba landing by Cristobal Columbus (“Siglo” means “century”). Release of the cigar was such big news that shook the whole cigar industry. 10 years later in 2002, again a big shock was given. Siglo VI was added to the series to celebrate the new century.

It is overwhelmingly long and thick comparing to other cigars of the Siglo series. A perfect cigar that has a milk-like creaminess despite the powerfulness with enhanced flavor and full-bodiness. Best for a special day.


Who is a Cigar Manager?

*Please note that we don’t sell our cigars online. Visit us to enjoy our collection of well-matured cigars!

