Cigar Bar Super nova in Kitashinchi, Osaka. Have a luxury time with well-matured cigars with Cuban rum and cocktails at the 1st prize winner bar.

Cohiba Siglo I

Cohiba Siglo I

When adventurer Christopher Columbus reached finally Cuba in 1492 he described, “the most beautiful land ever seen by human eyes that was shining strongly full of brightness and dream.” Five centuries later of the historical discovery a cigar that made cigar lovers impressed was released in Habana in 1992.

Siglo I to V (“siglo” means century) cigars were released to celebrate 500 years anniversary of the Cuba landing.

Siglo I has a flavor and depth like coffee and is refined and gentleman-like. Recommendable for beginners for its compact size. The cigar continues to be loved even nowadays; most of expert smokers might have them always in humidor.


Who is a Cigar Manager?

*Please note that we don’t sell our cigars online. Visit us to enjoy our collection of well-matured cigars!

